Home Fitness Bodyweight Workout How to Do TRX Full Body Workout

How to Do TRX Full Body Workout


How to Do TRX Workout – Full Body

How to Do TRX Full Body Workout
How to Do TRX Full Body Workout

TRX loops – are a multifunctional simulator, which is a strong tape with fastening and two straps.

The prototype of the TPX loops was the parachute slings, which the American infantryman Randy Henrik began to use for independent training. Within a few years, the invention became widespread in the ranks of the American army, and subsequently, their mass production was established.

About TRX Loops

TRX- (full body resistance exercise). The name of the simulator speaks for itself, it is a full-body workout with its weight. Training with TPX loops differs from training with body weight, here we perform exercises in a suspended state, thereby we can adjust the load using the length and angle of the loops.

One of the biggest advantages of loops is that training with TRX does not require any additional equipment and a large space for training. You can engage in loops at home, in the office, in the country, and in the park.

Benefits of TRX

  1. Effect of novelty. Even familiar exercises such as squats, push-ups, pull-ups, in loop training, involve many small muscles that are not involved in rough weight work;
  2. The possibility of static, strength, and functional training;
  3. Prevention of injuries from training with a barbell, recovery from injuries to the musculoskeletal system;
  4. Compactness and mobility of the simulator;
  5. Training with TRX is suitable for athletes of any level since in this type of training there is no axial load on the spine.

Who is loop training for?

Anyone can benefit from loop training because you are in control of the level of effort.

Indeed, this seemingly mobile exercise machine can get you in shape as a beginner and is used by professionals in the sport.

In 2014, a group of scientists from Madrid conducted a study that was supposed to prove the effectiveness of training on unstable TRX simulators and BOSU platforms. The experiment involved 36 students of fit physique, who went in for sports 2-3 times a week.

The students were divided into two groups: in the first group, training took place in the classic version of the power load: with a barbell, dumbbells, and other weights. Young people from the second group trained for seven weeks using unstable simulators. During the study, 21 sessions were held, after which the results were obtained.

The final data showed that the strength, explosive and muscle performance of both groups after seven weeks were almost identical. Those students who used TRX slings for training also had an increase in coordination abilities, which was not noted in the second group.

From the results of the experiment, we can conclude that training with TRX, along with classical strength training, leads to an increase in all power indicators. At the same time, loop exercises minimize the risks of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, which allows people with any level of training to improve their physical fitness.

For whom TRX loop training is suitable:

  • For children. To create a general strengthening of stabilizing muscles;
  • For those who train at home or in any limited conditions. To practice on loops, you need a space of 3 square meters;
  • For athletes who want to add variety to the training process. Loops are used in strength, coordination, and cardio training;
  • For people who do not want compression load on the spine, knees, and ankles.

How to choose TRX loops?

There are many options for training loops on the market. To this day, the most common and reliable slings are those that were invented and patented by the American Navy SEAL Randy Henrik. Only on the original loops is the well-known TRX inscription placed. It is these slings that have the highest strength and the best recommendations.

  1. For entry-level training, the standard Suspension Trainer set is suitable, which includes the loops themselves and an instruction manual with video workouts.
  2. The TRX Home set has a special mount designed for interior doorways.
  3. TRX PRO Pack-3 and TRX Force Kit Tactical have advanced features in the form of fitness bands and a wide variety of fasteners.

In newer models, there is an Xtender – an extension cord. This is a useful feature for hanging straps from non-standard outdoor mounts without losing the functional length of the loops, or simply extending the loops by hanging them from a higher or more difficult hanging point.

According to the manufacturer, TRX loops can withstand loads of up to 300 kg of an athlete’s weight.

The disadvantage of the original hinges is the high cost of equipment. A set of lines will cost you from 90

There are many options for loops from other manufacturers on the sports equipment market, they are cheaper, and in terms of reliability, they are in no way inferior to the original.

The disadvantages of such TPX slings are that they have a lower density and are designed for 120-170 kg of the weight of the trainee. Nevertheless, this does not reduce their functionality, and training on this simulator will have an identical effect to the TRX loops.

The Best TRX Exercises

1) TRX Hand RunningĀ 

How to Do TRX hand running
How to Do TRX hand running
  • Fasten the slings with a special loop on the Swedish wall, door, or tree.
  • Lower each side of the loops so that the distance to the floor is 30-40 centimeters.
  • Get on all fours with your back to the loops. In this position, slide your legs into the straps. With your hands, move forward so that your legs are straightened and are in weight, but not tight.
  • Start alternately pulling your left and right legs to your chest.
  • When the right leg is bent at the knee, the left leg should be fully extended behind, and vice versa.

This is a very active exercise and resembles running in a horizontal position. Here it is very important to ensure that the pelvis and lower back are not bent. Keep your abs and back tight to avoid injury.

This exercise can be used as a warm-up before a TRX workout.

2) TRX Push-Ups

Take an emphasis on lying down with your legs fixed in the straps of the loops, as in the first exercise.

How to Do TRX Push-ups
How to Do TRX Push-ups

From this position, proceed to standard push-ups. Try to keep your legs in a symmetrical position, do not take your pelvis up, and keep your body straight with the help of the abdominal and back muscles.

How to Do:

  1. Pull hip to chest
  2. Take an emphasis lying on your hands with your legs in loops.
  3. Start bending your knees at the same time and bring them up to chest level.

At the same time, the pelvis rises up, but the work is performed not by folding the body in the pelvis, but by bringing the hips to the chest with the help of the abdominal muscles.

The exercise is performed without jerking. Only slow movements will allow you to perform efficient work and avoid injury.

3) TRX Plank

The classic plank is performed from the same position as push-ups.

How to Do TRX Plank
How to Do TRX Plank

How to Do:

  • To perform a plank, emphasize your hands, hands resting on the TRX loops.
  • The whole body should be tense and as straight as possible.
  • Hold the handstand position until you feel a tremble in your muscles.

4) Side Plank

The side plank on the loops is performed according to the same principle as the side plank without using the simulator. The only exception is that the athlete’s legs are threaded into the straps and are on weight.

How to Do TRX Side Plank
How to Do TRX Side Plank

To perform this exercise, lie on the floor with your feet to the loops. Slip your ankles into the straps. Lean on your elbow or straightened arm. The feet should be at the same height as the floor.

Hold the side plank position for as long as you can. Do not push your pelvis up, forward, or backward. The body should be in a straight line.

5) TRX Squats

For squats, shorten the length of the loops so that each one is at the level of your chest.

How to Do TRX Squat
How to Do TRX Squat

How to Do:

Approach the simulator with your face and take the straps of the slings in your hands. Begin to squat slowly, transferring the entire weight of the body to the heels. In the process of squatting, you should feel as if you are hanging with your hands on the hinges and without their help, you will fall.

This variant of squats is the most beneficial for the body. It is with the help of slings that it is possible to create optimally correct load angles in the knees, back, and feet.


Today we looked at 5 universal exercises for working out the whole body with TPX loops, these exercises are suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.


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  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34900797/
  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11332-022-00908-1