How to Lose Weight 15 kg in Just 1 Month

How to Do weight loss

A man whose figure is essential to him dreams of having a slim and toned body. There can be many reasons for that. For example, men often pay attention to thin women and women to sporty guys. Also, an unwanted mark on the scales is the leading cause of many diseases.

Is it possible to lose a large number of kilos? How real to lose weight by 15 kg? For what period of time is it possible to do this, and also how to do all this without harm to health?

How much can you lose 15 kg?

How much to lose weight by 15 kg really? Nutritionists and fitness trainers say that the ideal option is a month. This goal is very real. For a week, about 2-3 kg will go away. It is enough to reduce the calorie content of food, introduce an effective diet and follow the recommendations.

But you can lose weight by 15 kg in a year even without low-calorie diets. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules for effective weight loss, and you can eat whatever you want.

The number of kilograms dropped also depends on the initial weight. The more it is, the easier the first kilograms will go.

Losing a lot of kilograms in a few days or weeks is unrealistic. This is a real utopia for the body. As a result, after the diet, the kilograms will return again.

It is important that weight loss is smooth and balanced in order to prevent the development of diseases, the failure of the gastrointestinal tract, or the cardiovascular system.

Myths preventing you from losing weight

On the Internet, you can find a large amount of false information about losing weight from people who are incompetent in this matter. The myths include:

1. There is an opinion that during weight loss, fat mass turns into muscle mass. This is not true, since they are completely different in structure, and chemical composition and cannot cross each other. Muscle mass is built up through exercise.

2. Equipment designed for problem areas helps to reduce weight – such exercise kits, as a rule, do everything for the person. There is no calorie burning.

Get ready to lose weight

If you watch stunning stories about how a person lost 10-15 kilograms in a set time, then we can conclude that the key role here was played by the attitude to this matter.

The right mindset is the foundation of effective weight loss. It is advisable to prepare yourself for weight loss: eliminate lack of sleep and stress from your life as much as possible. Even minor disturbances directly affect the rate of weight loss. In a stressed person, there is a constant production of cortisol, a hormone that slows down the metabolic system.

No less important is the attitude of a girl or a young man to his body. If you exhaust yourself, it will not lead to a good result. The body will be depleted, and a rollback will begin, which can lead to the opposite, namely a set of previous weight.

Recommendations for weight loss

When you need to lose weight by 15 kg, you can not do without the basic rules that make the diet as effective as possible. All recommendations are based on how to set up the body for productive work.

These rules include the following:

When training, follow these rules to properly perform the exercises

  • The ability to distinguish between eating habits and real hunger

It is important to learn to distinguish the signal about the need to eat, coming from the head, from the physiological need for food. When a person is really hungry, he will agree to eat any food that is acceptable to him, be it porridge or soup. But if there is a desire for sweets or buns – this is more of a psychologically invented appetite.

To let go of the feeling of hunger, you need to drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. The signal that the food has entered the esophagus will reach the head, and it will be possible to continue to live on without a depressing feeling of hunger.

  • Compliance with water balance

In order for a girl to lose 10-15 kg, she cannot exclude water intake from her daily routine. The required amount of liquid allows you to quickly burn excess fat in the body and remove toxins. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking, clean water per day. A more accurate dose can be calculated using a formula based on body weight.

Formulas for calculating the daily water intake: (weight * 0.03) + (time of physical activity in hours * 0.4) = required number of liters of water.

  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits

“Healthy” foods like fruits and vegetables help produce beneficial hormones, flush out toxins from the body, and improve the digestive system. All this leads to the fact that a person quickly approaches the desired mark on the scales.

Diets for weight loss by 15 kg

A diet that allows you to lose weight by such a large number of kilograms must be carefully selected. It cannot be too hard on the body, because it will take a long time to follow it.

Below are nutrition programs that will be effective for weight loss.

Japanese weight loss system

The question of how to really lose weight by 10-15 kg cannot do without a diet developed in a Japanese clinic. The nutrition program involves eating only protein foods and limiting fats and carbohydrates in the diet. It is impossible to completely exclude them from the diet, otherwise, the metabolism will be disturbed.


The diet got its name because of the established fashion for it among Hollywood celebrities. With the help of her, more than one movie star or show business model has lost weight. It is thanks to her that many adhere to the form with parameters 90-60-90.

Breakfast should be excluded from the menu. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Also, you can not eat:

  • Any food additives, including salt and sugar.
  • Flour products.
  • Fat meat.


Diet triggers special chemical processes in the body that speed up metabolism. Its basis is eggs, which are consumed in every meal. They are combined with fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and bananas.


If you need to lose weight by 10 kg, then all the rules and recommendations outlined in this article are the key to achieving your goal. Following the above provisions, it will not be difficult for a representative of any gender and age to reset such a large mark on the scales.