Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Mamdouh Elssbiay – Complete Profile: Height, Weight, Biography

Mamdouh Elssbiay was Born September 16, 1984 (age 38), he took the pseudonym ‘Big Ramy’

Big Ramy Profile
Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Mamdouh Elssbiay – Complete Profile: Height, Weight, Biography
Height 178 cm Biceps Hips
Competition weight 135 kg 58 cm  90 cm
Off-season weight 160 kg


Bodybuilders associate the word “Egypt” with only one name – Mamdu Elssbiay, better known as Big Ramy. This is, of course, the most promising athlete who, having won only one PRO tournament, went to Olympia and at the same time entered the TOP-10.

Big Ramy turned pro with less than three years of training experience. In the world of bodybuilding, such a breakthrough can safely be considered phenomenal. This is what causes the crazy popularity of Mamdouh Elssbiay.

Biography Big Ramy

But who is Mamdu really and where does his potential come from? On the Internet, Rami is often referred to as a “fisherman”. Throughout his adult life, he earned it by fishing, like his whole family.

In Egypt, seafood makes up a large part of the diet of any person, such a territorial location. Fishing brought relatively good money to him and six brothers. A large amount of work is important in this craft, and it is possible only with good physical fitness, which is why the children in his family were sent to various sports sections from an early age.

The level of sports development in Egypt is one of the highest among all Arab and African countries.

Big Ramy has always been interested in strength sports, but in Egypt, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting are not as popular as football, boxing or basketball.

By the will of fate, the entire Mamdu family moves to Kuwait, hoping to open their own fishing business. It was this decision that became for Big Rami the starting point for a “big” life, because he had a chance to fulfill his old dream – to become a bodybuilder.

The secret of Success Big Ramy

It was not the owner of the gym chain that played a key role in Mamdu’s success, but Dennis James, a veteran bodybuilder. It was he who saw great potential in Rami, long before his first tournament.

Denis helped draw up a training plan, a diet, and, of course, shared his pharmacology knowledge, although this is not advertised.

It is worth noting that in Egypt and Kuwait, anabolic steroids are officially allowed, therefore, the quality of the products is well controlled. Many say that this is one of the main factors in the such rapid progress of the Big Ramy. However, not all athletes from Arab and African countries become popular all over the world, think about it.

The start of Big Ramy’s career was the 2012 Amateur Olympia. It was there that he made his debut in the heavyweight category. Spectators and judges appreciated the quality and volume of Ramy. He easily wins his category and overall, thereby earning a PRO card.

According to James’ plan, the first and at the same time “passing” PRO tournament for Ramy was to be “New York Pro 2013”. There it was planned to loudly declare itself, and get an appropriate reputation with admission to Olympia-2013. For Big Ramy, this competition was truly unsettling due to three factors:

  • He had to compete with his idol – Victor Martinez;
  • It was at this time that his second daughter was to be born;
  • It was his debut as a professional bodybuilder.

Despite all this, he took first place, loudly declaring himself to the entire bodybuilding community. Judges praised the Big Ramy for its good proportions along with its large volume at over 288 lbs (130.6 kg).

His ability to sum up the form did not leave anyone indifferent, and the screams in the hall were proof of this. A distinctive feature of the Big Ramy is the absence of weaknesses and the good “quality” of the muscles, which is inherent in a few athletes.

Competition History

After New York Pro 2013, Big Rami takes only 8th place in Mr. Olympia 2013 tournament, while among all the winners his weight was the most impressive – 130 kg.

Not the best place after such a resounding victory in the New York Pro, but as a PRO debut it’s quite good. By the way, this was enough to once again bypass his idol, Victor Martinez.

Many noted that the judging was dubious, and Big Ramy had to get into the TOP-6, at the same time, he expressed only optimistic emotions about this.

Just a couple of months later, Mamdu signed a contract with the largest sponsor of GAT. At the moment he is part of Team GAT, where the notorious Kevin Jordan is already present.

Many professional athletes predicted an amazing future for Big Ramy, including first place at Mr. Olympia. In 2020, Big Ramy becomes Mr. Olympia and then secures this title in 2021. Whether it can hold it in 2022, time will tell.

At the moment, Mamdouh Mohammed has significant competitors, namely Brandon Kerry, who took second place at Mr. Olympia 2021, and, of course, the unrecognized champion who is predicted to win at Olympia 2022 Hadi Choopan.

Big Ramy can be compared with the Egyptian pyramids – this is the last wonder of the world, which, despite everything, still exists and pleases people.